Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 3: I Don't Know Sh-Jack

Starting to get started on the iPhone development. There are a number of excellent screencasts on learning Objective-C and iPhone development at Pragmatic Programmers that I've begun going through. The screencasts are excellent, and I'm beginning to get a feel for the Objective-C syntax as well as a vague sense of what developing for the iPhone is going to be like. But what I'm really learning is that I don't know sh- (Allison glares: "Language!") I mean, I don't know sh-jack.

It's alternatingly inspiring and depressing to read about guys like Ethan Nicholas, who made a bejeezus amount of money on a fun little iPhone game called iShoot. Ethan apparently didn't know anything about iPhone development, OpenGL, or Objective-C before coding his game in six weeks and subsequently quitting his job for the sweet life. On the one hand, I think, "Hey, I don't know anything, either! That guy could be me!" On the other hand, I think that maybe this guy is one of those piano prodigies that, by merely existing, reminds you that some (okay, a lot) of people are just better than you, and, no, your rendition of Axel F is not as cool as you thought it was. Even when you were playing it with both hands.

I think maybe that's part of why people love the lottery. You don't have to be smart, handsome, witty, or any of that stuff - just be lucky. Woo-hoo, anyone can do that!


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